Monday, July 31, 2006

ID cinematheque: session 4'

ok. last Friday session went straight out the window due to studies timetable complication. well, now we sorted out the studies time, I think we can run the fourth session this friday, 3:30pm. what you think? let us know...

Thursday, July 27, 2006

ID cinematheque: session 4

Uni started but I feel like I haven't seen anyone yet. (yes yes, Haley, I know what you mean.) Last session was really good. I really enjoyed the movie and I was happy that people enjoyed the movie. I know it was a strange movie but we like that, don't we?
ID cinematheque is still strong after uni started. Although I want to see more support from people but I'm happy with our small group. Well, it's still on Friday, and we are still watching Bertolucci film. I warn you. This film is more f@£$ed up than last one. This is the masterpiece of Bertolucci. (If I can get my hands on the film.) Be prepared before you come and watch this film.

ID cinematheque
session four:

Date: 28th Fri, 12:30pm. (just after the studies and before the lecture or after the lecture if people like that)
Location: building 87, level 4.
film: Last Tango In Paris.

p.s. no kids are allowed. and if people want to go and check out MIFF (melbourne international film festival) please let us know!!! I'm more than happy to go and check out some good films.

Friday, July 21, 2006

DSS Welcome Back Drinks

Where: Workshop
When: Friday 28th of July
Time: starting 8pm
Tell all your friends

Thursday, July 20, 2006

ID cinematheque: session 3

Oh, cinematheque is back again for last session for the holiday!!! (it might continue or not during the semester, depending on things.)
It's on same time same place and I hope more people...
Last session was great watching Jean-Luc Godard's famous "Breathless". I was glad that everyone enjoyed it.
This week, in the spirits of May 1968, Paris, in the spirits of Henri Langlois who created cinematheque and in the spirits of all the creative people... we are watching "The Dreamers" by Bertolucci. I think in the cinema world and any creative art world, May 1968 was an important period of time. Anyway, come and enjoy the film.

ID cinematheque
session three:

Date: 21st Fri, 2pm.
Location: building 87, level 5. (next to crumpet room)
film: The Dreamers, Bertolucci!!!!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

welcome back drinks?

sometime next week, maybe friday? 5pm

Sunday, July 09, 2006

ID cinematheque

Friday afternoon session was great! (although it was me and four other people. Thanks Guy! You made it me and four other people not three. :)) Not many people turned up though. I wasn't expecting large number of people but I didn't see some of the faces I was expecting to see. Anyway, it was good to see everyone.
We watched a film called "Masculin Feminin" by Jean-Luc Godard. I think last time I watched it was 1998. And I was really excited by this film when I first watched it. But I couldn't make much sense of it then. I'm not sure about anybody else but I really enjoyed this film. (I hope I wasn't the only one and hope everyone enjoyed this film.)
I think as long as people are willing to come and sit and watch a film (any films)
I'm willing to do this again next friday. I think the time's the same, 2pm. If any of you wants to make suggestion to improve this in anyway (changing the time or date or films), let me know. Please don't hesitate to suggest films that you want to watch. I'm up for anything.

ID cinematheque
session two:

Date: 14th Fri, 2pm.
Location: building 87, level 5. (next to crumpet room)
film: Breathless (another Jean-Luc Godard film) [possible it might change :)]

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

how about.....

hmmm... holiday has been really tiring...
It seems I get more energy from going to uni and spend lots of time with friends than spending my precious time, working and doing other things...

I initially thought of organising some kind of broadcasting group within our department but it seems too much of work for some people. So, I have another suggestion that might strengthen our sense of community!

Within next couple of weeks I'd like to run movie nights.
And I'd like to call it, "ID Cinematheque"!!!
The plan is to gather around (in building87) and watch a film (DVD or Video) and after we can talk about it in context of whatever...
If people like this idea, we can make it an on-going thing (I would like it to be.)

If you have a date on mind let me know.
And if you would like to suggest a film let me know as well.