Tuesday, July 04, 2006

how about.....

hmmm... holiday has been really tiring...
It seems I get more energy from going to uni and spend lots of time with friends than spending my precious time, working and doing other things...

I initially thought of organising some kind of broadcasting group within our department but it seems too much of work for some people. So, I have another suggestion that might strengthen our sense of community!

Within next couple of weeks I'd like to run movie nights.
And I'd like to call it, "ID Cinematheque"!!!
The plan is to gather around (in building87) and watch a film (DVD or Video) and after we can talk about it in context of whatever...
If people like this idea, we can make it an on-going thing (I would like it to be.)

If you have a date on mind let me know.
And if you would like to suggest a film let me know as well.


At 2:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I really like to do it during this week. Maybe, friday afternoon? Or Weekends?

I've got plenty of films on DVD.
I'd like to suggest

'mauvais sang'

At 11:28 AM, Blogger Haley said...

I'm up for it Fridays are best for me.

At 4:41 PM, Blogger endsig said...

that sound like an awesome plan, i have a few DVDs that might be of interest if this is to continue, so yeah fridays is also good for me!

At 8:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I should tell more people about this. I don't really care how many people comes but I think blog is not enough. I should tell some people about it.

At 12:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let do this.
This Friday 2pm - 4 or 5pm.
The film will start screening at 2:10pm and will not wait for anyone. :)
The movie title is a secret.
It's definitely French.
Whoever can come to this are welcomed, even if they're not part of our course.


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